Megs Elyse
Seattle, Washington USA
The holiday party on Monday with friends:
Me: I'm moody, I just want my pizza to be ready
Rubi: It's done isn't it? (pointing to the pizza sitting on the stove)
Me: No, it is too doughy and I want it cooked more
Rubi: Well, you can just eat it now
Me: I know, but I want it cooked more
Rubi: Don't snap at me. You've been snappy at everyone all night; you don't have to snap at me
Me: I know. I'm just hungry; it's why I am moody. I just want my pizza cooked more. Why don't you eat your pizza now?
Rubi: (just a stare)
Me: It's because it is not cooked as much as you would like. Its fine
Rubi: I can take mine out, it's done.
Me: No, don't. I can wait. It's fine.
Rubi: No, I will, it is fine. I can eat mine now, it is done.
Me: It's fine.
Rubi: No, I can eat it
(Reaches into oven and pulls out pan of pizzas, it falls completely vertical on over, toppings all over the oven door, crusts sliding down the pan)
Rubi: Oh shit!
Me: Oh No (standing around trying to figure out what to do)
Rubi: Don't just stand there! Help me!