Chicago, Illinois USA
A: Do you want to film this with me?
B: No.
A: Why not?
B: I don't think it's worthwhile.
A: (pause) Well, what if it's my project?
B: Okay, as long as you film it.
A: I'll just put it on a tripod.
B: You know, we should film this and have it be our assignment.
A: Oh, so are you doing this on purpose?
B: No.
(A turns around and types out the conversation. B looks over.)
B: That's not how it happened.
A: Okay. Why don’t you write down what you think happened and I write down what I think happened?
B: I - don’t want to do that. (points to B's computer screen) I'm doing stuff.
(A turns around and types for a minute.)
B: (puts hand on A's shoulder) You okay, baby?
(A looks back at B, then turns around and types.)