"Tell your secret crush how you felt (feel)."
Brian Dodd
New York, New York USA
Email Brian
Everyone had or has a crush in high school that they never did anything about; most of us probably have more than one. Contact your old crush however you can, and tell them how you used to feel. Document it as best you can - If you do it electronically, save the emails/instant messages, record a phone call, etc. If you cannot document the resulting dialogue, keep notes so that you can recreate it as best you can. You would also report your crush's responses, if any.
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From: briandodd
To: Melanie
Subj: I thought you should know
Its been a long time since we last saw each other, but you were in my thoughts recently. I had a crush on you high school that I never told anyone about. You were such a nice person. I never acted on it because it never seemed like the right time. Remember your birthday party where we slept on the couch together while Aaron and Michelle were making out next to us? I thought about kissing you then, but I was terrified of ruining your birthday.
Don't be creeped out - I'm not telling you this now in hopes of getting a date. I just thought you might like to know.
Hope all is well,