Andy M.
San Francisco, California USA
Goodbye to being afraid of goodbye.
Goodbye to being afraid of being left.
Goodbye to being afraid of being taken advantage of.
Goodbye to being angry.
Goodbye to hating myself.
Goodbye to hating others.
Goodbye to being rigid.
Goodbye to my orange cat, I'm sorry I couldn't take better care of you.
Goodbye to Lucky, I'm sorry I didn't love you back.
Goodbye to being mad at the people who don't love me how I want them to.
Goodbye to too much thinking.
Goodbye to too much worrying.
Goodbye to always having to know.
Goodbye to hating my body.
Goodbye to always trying to compare myself.
Goodbye to needing to be different than I am.
Goodbye to not appreciating what I have.
Goodbye to middle of the night anxiety.
Goodbye to after school depression.
Goodbye to being afraid of what other people think.
Goodbye to being afraid of not getting enough.
Goodbye to not loving myself.
Goodbye to needing something else.
Goodbye to making it about me when it's not.
Goodbye to not giving myself what I need.
Goodbye to prodding and poking and extracting.
Goodbye to things with out love.
Goodbye to my sadness, I don't think I'll miss you very much.