Mammoth Lakes, California USA
goodbye dad.
goodbye comfort in "goodnight moon".
goodbye old loves, old once-considered loves.
goodbye high school and your times.
goodbye stolen sketchpad.
goodbye donated clothes.
goodbye comfort of home, of the desert.
goodbye undergraduate experience.
goodbye santa cruz, and being along in you.
goodbye to the days of too much drinking.
goodbye throwing up for it!
goodbye el jerko.
goodbye times in the river park in georgia.
goodbye teenhood.
goodbye friendships as they were.
goodbye fear of losing creativity.
goodbye splatters in the microwave.
goodbye life without music in my ears whenever possible.
goodbye bass player.
goodbye steven and disappointment.
goodbye fast food.
goodbye smoking lots.
goodbye indio, the way you were.
goodbye past.
goodbye never letting you finish talking.
goodbye selfish impatience.